Paradise Tree aka Lakshmitaru (Simarouba glauca DC.) is a multi-purpose evergreen tree receiving great interest as a promising energy crop and medicinal plant for the future.It has aroused great enthusiasm as miraculous tree of solace for cancer patients! Brought from the tropical forests of Central America in 1960’s, Lakshmitaru is now well flourished in Orissa, Maharashtra,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,Kerala and also at introductory stage of plantation in other states like Gujarat,Rajasthan,Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.All parts of the plant namely, seed, shell, fruit pulp,leaf,leaf litter, unwanted branches, stem, bark, and root generate products that are useful in the production of food, fuel, manure, timber, medicine etc. The tree is well suited for the all the geographical regions of India. It reclaims wastelands, arrests soil erosion,supports soil microbial life and increases ground water levels. Even though, the number of scientific publications devoted to medicinal palants is growing exponentially and the number of reviews is increasing rapidly, there are only very few literature available exploring the potential of this plant species.This blog is dedicated to provide numerous information about this versatile tree.
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